White Knight Films

One of the most influential film studios

White Knight Creative Productions Films is one of the most influential film studios in the world. The company and its artists have produced industry-leading work for movies, commercials, video games, music videos, concerts, and virtual reality projects. A creative force in the advertising industry, WKP Films has brought its artistry to hundreds of commercials and video games. WKP Films  a tradition of creating extraordinary imagery and productions for entertainment and advertising.


Carlos Kuri CEO, WKP Films

We create memorable characters, imaginative stories, and eye-catching design through a detailed focus on all phases of production from storyboarding to final editing.

WKP Films has made its mark as an innovator by filling its studios with masterful artists, cutting edge technicians and a dynamic management and support team. We're committed to creating an environment that nurtures creativity and rewards talent and determination. We do value experience and expertise with the identified tools are the most directly useful to production.

Career Opportunities

"We do value experience and expertise"

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